Click HERE to view / download a publication of performance scores, “Begin in a resting position” (2021), as a PDF. Samples of pieces from the book are shown below.


no, more slowly than that


Stand quietly amongst a small number of people.

Gesture as if to unbutton a shirt that you are wearing,

From the top,

To the bottom no, more slowly than that… good

And keeping your eyes ahead of you.

Gesture as if to remove it, pulling it over both shoulders and letting it drop to the floor.

Breathe in,

And twist your neck and torso slowly to the right,

Then left,

Then back.

Breathe in,

Then gesture as if to hurriedly pick up the shirt, put it back on, and button it up again.


As desired.




For two performers at a time, sitting facing each other, at arm’s length. One should wear a plain black t-shirt, the other a blue one. The performer in black begins:

“Repeat after me:

Come   …   On   …   Come   …   On   ...

Now, are you ready? Are you prepared?


Repeat again:

[Exhale sharply]   …   Top   …   [Exhale sharply]   …   Top

And say it all together now?”   ...

At this point, performers should swap their t-shirts and begin again. The new performer in black now begins:

“Repeat after me:

[Inhale sharply]   …   What’s being   …   said in   …

Front of you?   …

[Look down]   Watch carefully   [Look up]

And again”

At this point, the performers may exchange their role with another person.


When you become comfortable (if you become comfortable)


Touch his lower lip

with your index finger

and breathe together,

keeping eye contact.


When you become comfortable,

close your eyes,

turn around,

and leave, as

slowly as you can.


Watch Queen

Stand at arm’s length in front of a white wall, holding a sharp HB pencil.

Close your eyes.

On the wall, write the word

T   H   E

Open your eyes, and take a step back.

Turn around, and walk to the opposite wall.

Stand at arm’s length in front of the wall, holding the pencil.

Close your eyes.

On the wall, write the word


Open your eyes, and take a step back.

Move in to the centre of the space, and hold the pencil in an open palm.

“What exists in between?”


Know what you are looking for.